The strategic and tactical use of cash-value life insurance in retirement

 Listen we're talking about using tax free income from life insurance as a tactical tool and retirement with retirement Consultants bullet game is I want to give my clients the most net spendable income that's the goal that's that's our goal and we're going to have to use qualified money and non-qualified money maybe reserves like Equity home equity in our homes but there's a wealth of 1/12 in your house we need to look at everything and put it on the table because our goal and end leave you but you've proven this in your practice if you would let me talk about taxes and manage it you said if I can do that I can probably increase your actual take-home pay maybe 20% just texts and that doesn't count of the other issues that we get to look at but the one that people really are out of touch with is where they are asked in a text. The fact that this is almost always their greatest expense and when we can manage that and get them understand that that it's like teaching someone to exercise who wants to live longer and live a healthier life and diet and exercise genetics first but that Diet exercise and and that's what this is but let's not let you walk through somebody's idea okay now we have talked about reverse mortgages as a source of income and that's something we're looking yet but we're trying it or dislike it just because it's using indemnification see you see look upon his protection which is something really happens to be the breadwinner but in our saying that we talked about with your all the bases hey that's free all see once again taking me out as long as it contracts cut them for the life of the policy that's free so let's talk about how we're going to use this and that probably going to have income in retirement 1520 years up to all the rules and limitations that come with a government plan as you can that's it for 1K you can only put this amount and that's not the case with life insurance determine how much can you afford to put in and we have to be sure we can find it for several years the fact that you can do it this year you may not be a candidate if we don't know for a fact that you can find at 10:20 that's great


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